Figma recently announced the launch of variable fonts, giving designers more control over typography. Since then, we’ve seen a few new plugins targeting this feature (spoiler alert: they’re in this newsletter), designed to help convert all your local text styles into the new font variables.
This issue also includes a couple of other cool plugins, and you’ll just have to keep reading to find out more… 👇
1. Create variables for typography
Transform text styles into variable fonts.
Create variables for typography is one of the new plugins to help you quickly get your variable fonts set up. The plugin reads all your text styles in a file and converts them to Figma’s new typography variables, so you don’t have to create a single one by hand.
🔡 Transforms text styles into variable fonts
🚀 Automates a manual, time-consuming process
2. Neubrutalist
Instantly add the Neubrutalism UI style to your designs.
Neubrutalist is a fun, easy plugin for adding that heavy, “brutalist” shadow to your designs. Select one or multiple shapes, texts, or objects and apply a solid shadow effect, commonly seen in Neubrutalist designs. You can also customize the color of both the selection and its shadow, and adjust the percentage offset for the shadow effect.
🪄 Instantly add the “Neubrutalist” style to your designs
🤡 Trendy and fun
3. Progressive Blur
Add a blurred effect to your designs.
Progressive Blur is a super simple plugin that adds a progressive blur to a selected element in your designs. While you can achieve a similar effect with Figma’s own built-in features, this plugin takes out a lot of the fiddling and adjusting, making it very easy to apply the blur in a click.
Be warned: as there are many stacked blur layers under the hood, your file's performance may drop if there are multiple blurs on one page. The creator recommends adding the blur to elements in a separate file or page to rasterize what you need, and then bring the image back to your working file.
🌫️ Add a blurry effect to designs
🤩 Fun, easy effect
4. Text Styles to Variables Generator
Generate variables from your text styles.
Text Styles to Variables Generator is the second plugin in this list that turns your local text styles into the new font variables. When you run the plugin you can select the target collection for your variables, which properties to include (font family, size, style…) and create a font family alias for each text style detected.
🔡 Generate variable fonts from your text styles
🚀 Automates a manual, time-consuming process
5. Variablize Text Styles
Turn local text styles into typography variables.
Variablize Text Styles is also one of the plugins dedicated to the new variable fonts. It’s perfect for taking all your local text styles that you’ve created until now and turning them into the new typography variables. The plugin scans local text styles, converts their properties into typography variables and then binds those variables back to the text styles. It currently works for: font sizes, weights and families; and line heights.
🔡 Turn local text styles into typography variables
🚀 Automates a time-consuming, manual process
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